When my son was little, he was captivated by the ‘choose your own adventure’ books. He not only enjoying following the different plot threads but also have the choice of which one to follow. I had no idea when Bound was published that it would turn into a ‘choose your own adventure’ experience with so many interesting avenues to pursue.
I knew of course that there would be a book launch to get my historical novel out into the world and hoped readers would enjoy the story. I have no idea how many book clubs have chosen to read Bound but I never imagined that almost two dozen book clubs on Prince Edward Island would invite me to join their discussions, so rewarding for an author. But it was more than a privilege. I have been so impressed with the interest and curiosity of these readers about the characters, real or reimagined, their motivations and worries and the world these people occupied in late 1700s PEI. Of course, for hundreds of years, adults gathered – whether it was the Mechanics Clubs or the Blue Stocking Society mentioned in Bound – to learn and discuss topics of interests. But to have so many book clubs choose Bound and to have this level of interest in the novel’s characters and Island history generally has proven to be an adventure I didn’t anticipate when I opened my laptop and began writing my novel. Wonder what adventure is next…