2024 PEI Book AWArd - Fiction
Upcoming and RECENT EVENTS
Theresa will be presenting 'A Slice of Island History' profiling influential Island women through history and Scott Parsons will be performing on the historic black experience on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 2 pm at the Bonshaw Community Centre. Admission by donation in support of the Centre.
The Riverview Country Market, 21 Riverside Drive, Charlottetown is hosting a 'Bound' book-signing on Saturday, November 30, 2024, 11 am - 4 pm.
Bound was chosen for the 2024 PEI Book Award for Fiction at the Award Ceremony at the Charlottetown Learning Centre on May 30th.
January 2024 featured presentations to Seniors College of PEI and as part of the Irish Cultural Centre's Winter Lecture Series on the influence of women over three hundred years on PEI.
Craft Fair season continued the first weekend in December with lots of great conversations about Bound at the Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre Christmas Craft Fair in Montague and the Beaconsfield Holiday Fair.
November was a busy month for Theresa with Christmas Craft Fairs in Eastern Kings and Souris, a presentation on land, treaties and how they provided the context for Bound as part of the Wood Island Women's Institute Information Series and a Bookmark book signing as part of Charlottetown's Victorian Christmas Market.
On Oct 13, Theresa presented at Seniors College of PEI on treaty-making and how the treaty process on PEI provided the backdrop for her historical novel, Bound.
On Sept 22, the Association of the Sisters of St. Martha hosted Theresa for a presentation on land and treaties, among the inspirations for her historical novel.
August featured a reading from Bound at the Celebration Station in Cardigan and a presentation on historic treaties and land at Sir Andrew MacPhail's Homestead in Orwell.
On June 20, Theresa was awarded the Silver Medal for 'Bound' as Best Regional Fiction in the Canada-East category at the Independent Publishers Book Awards (IPPY) virtual award ceremony.
The Spaniel’s Tale, a new independent bookstore at 1131 Wellington St. W., Ottawa, hosted a book signing for Bound on Tuesday, May 16.
The Benevolent Irish Society of Prince Edward Island invited Theresa to be speaker at their St. Patrick's Day Dinner on March 11 at the Irish Cultural Centre, Charlottetown.
On March 12, the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation presented Theresa with a Heritage Recognition Award for her work in promoting Island history and heritage through her historical novel, Bound.
REcent Book signings
Local Authors Showcase
The new Charlottetown Library Learning Centre hosted its first Local Authors Showcase on Oct 20, 6:30 to 8 PM. Theresa presented Bound, and other PEI authors spoke to their books, followed by an animated discussion on the inspirations behind the books as well as the writing, publishing and marketing process.
Bound book launch
A memorable evening of music and conversation at Glenaladale!
Theresa Redmond read from Bound and answered question while Scott Parsons performed songs from his new album "The Gates of No Return".
thursday, september 22, 2022 AT
glenaladale schoolhouse
press release
Theresa Redmond Press Release | |
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